Judith's notes:
So here are my hastily-typed thoughts on the Dinner. It wasn't quite what I expected, really. The device of the dinner was quite good in terms of pacing things, and the revelation of the main character's past worked initially, but I was expecting more psychological tension and less actual violence. I wasn't sure that giving Paul a specific 'condition' was necessary to explain his instincts, though I guess it did serve to raise questions about Clare and what she did or didn't know (everything and more, as it turned out).
The other characters i found harder to read, especially Babette, who i couldn't work out at all. The mysterious figure of Beau raised some interesting questions, particularly about attitudes to race, though I thought the episode of Michel's essay was a bit inconclusive, hard to say whether he was just trying to impress his father or expressing some sort of actual belief system. Once again, all the main characters were so unsympathetic that I didn't really want to dwell on their motivations!
Having said that, it was clever on some levels and it did keep me reading. Also always hard to judge a book in translation.
Judith 6.5
George 9
Chris 5
Jill 6.5
Anna 6.5
Carole 7.5
Annie 6.5
Caroline 6.5
'The wave and the smile were meant to show that from out there, it probably all looked worse than it was. That I'd had an argument with the Principal about his, Michel's, essay, but that in the mean time everything had come closer to being sorted out'